Thursday, October 05, 2006
A Journey To Remember.

Preface: An entry commemorating the last 20 months of our JC life. As most of us would probably know, next week would be the last week of the term. Farewell Assembly's coming. So, today, Min Ci, Joanne, and I spent some time, reminiscing the last 20 months of our lives... *WARNING: things might start getting emo (refer to Terms & Words used in 05A06) here... so please grab your tissue boxes*
Chapter 1: The Really "Special" Teachers We Used to Have.
1. Mr. Yeo Gim Sng as our Civics Tutor. Remember the 4 fingers thing he made us do with our uniform, followed by the big Hoo-Ha with the DM. And how he always made Kenneth, Alex, Shao Qi & Ho Shing stand at the 4 corners of the class. Yet, there were times when he was really nice & funny... All the chocs we used to pass around. His "L-sign" with his 5 fingers.
2. Mr. Peter Davis as our Physical Geog & PW teacher. How we always made his tutorials into our "chill-out time". A pity he had to leave... Glen, when is your nose gonna bleed again?
Chapter 2: Milestones
1. the Bo La Gang song - inspired by Hu Gang's BLK-ness. (R.E: February 14th entry) P.S. did you know our beloved Darius from 05A05 contributed to the lyrics?
2. Kaixin and her Broken Collarbone.
3. Opening of on the 8th November 2005. If it weren't for Ho Shing, Glen, and whoever else contributed to this idea, you peeps probably wouldn't be reading this right now.
4. The leaving of dearest Cindy, Jie Shi, Pammy, and Alex. We miss having you people around. *sobs*
5. The 1st attempt at holding a very 1st Class Outing, at Hotel Pheonix. Outcome? FAILED. (come to think of it. it probably was a curse. notice the amount of unsuccesful outings we had after that?)
6. FINALLY CAME 2006... New Members: Jasmine Ong, Su Yan, Yoke May and Adrian.
7. Probably the 1st most successful class outing, consisted of : Jacq, Yu Yan, Min Ci, Jasmine, Yoke May, Glen, Jing xing, Ho Shing, Shao Qi, Kenneth. Attendance: 10/20. JingXiang blogged for the first time too! (R.E. January 28th entry).
8. February 22nd - ASSHOLIC ARTS STUDENTS. probably one of the most memorable thing in our entire JC life. Thanks to the guys who were "blog-hopping". Look before you hop. (P.S. I just realised... that happened a couple of days before Jeff's birthday. i guss u guys made it an unforgettable one.)
9. March 2006 - Joanne & Yoke's Birthday. Fish & Co., K-Box, Carls Junior. We had fun, and everyone was looking good. Ho Shing, sad you didn't come.. I knew you were busy celebrating your Mum's Birthday. =) Followed by probably the only, and the most successful BBQ. Attendance: 14/20. Pity we didn't take much pictures.
10. April 2006 - Night Jaunt. Yet another.. successful class outing?
11. May 2006 - The Most Unlucky Month. We got chased out of the Student Lounge. and on that very day itself. 6... 6 guys got caught for making too much noise in the toilet. Unlucky? YES.
12. July 2006 - WORLD CUP FINALS. congrats to those who won money.
13. June, July, August were probably the months our blog was at it's pit. Lowest Entry Rates for 3 months consecutive. Kudos.
Chapter 3: Things You Would Probably Miss..
1. No more NATIONAL ANTHEM & PLEDGE TAKING!!! well, you could actually still catch them on the radio every morning at 6am. and the guys, IN CAMP. *evil laughter*
2. No more climbing over fences... No more skipping assembly. No more making out in Lecture Theatres...
3. No more 8am-2pm timetables. No more tutorials. No more DMs to watch over you. No more Wahab's smell to smell.. No more Econs lessons to sleep. No more Ong Jing Jing. No more Rocks, El-Nino (oh, check out Tats Young's El Ni-yo!).
4. MOST IMPORANTLY!!! no more EVELYN to kao beh with!!! HAHAHA!
Time Fries. It only seemed like yesterday when we saw each other. Only yesterday when we all thought Ho Shing was quiet. Only yesterday when Glen's fringe was still short.
And our A's, our departure... would come as soon as tomorrow.
Enjoy your JC life while you still can. And do miss everyone else.
Love, Khoo Jie Ying.