Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Terms & Words Used In 05A06
Recently, Singapore released a book containing things abt Singapore... So I've decided to write one up of our class so tat a better understanding can be developed when we talk... This list includes terms and abbreviations ordered in alphabetical order... Meanings are given and alternatives to its usage r also provided... However, certain more offensive ones shall be left out so as nt to offend... Also, certain information which is already understood by the class shall nt be published so as nt to get into trouble.
A.A.S- Stands for Assholic Arts Students. Referred to by the "lovable" head of 6th student council. In reality, it can stand for Archery Association of Singapore or Automobile Association of Singapore.
A.B.C- Stands for Ah Beng Car. Refers to a car which is heavily modified, Zhnged(see Zhng), loud with techno blasting inside and fierce-looking. The car preference for A.B.S(see A.B.S). Those cars are usually Japanese make. Including brands such as Mazda, Honda, Toyota & Nissan. Popular car models are Honda Civic, Honda Integra, Nissian Skyline, Mazda RX-7, Mazda RX-8 & Mitsubishi Evolution. In reality, it can stand for American-Born Chinese.
A.B.S- Stands for Ah Beng Style. Used for reference to Ah Bengs or guys whu have such a style. In reality, it stands for Anti-lock Braking System.
A.L.S- Stands for Ah Lian Style. Used for reference to Ah Lians or girls with such a style.
B.L.K- Stands for Bo La Gang. The most famous and commonly used term in 05A06. Its creation originates from Hu Gang. It means to have no link or to say something which is totally unrelated to the current topic of discussion.
Breakfast Club- The club consist of 8 ppl. Jieying(leader), Kaixin, Nicole, Joanne, Yoke May, Chan Bao Chu(Yuyan), Min Chee(Minci) & Jacquelina(Jacqueline). AGMs are held every GP lesson(Feel free to join).
Chee Bye Xi4 Liao4- Same as Ji4 Bai4 Xi4 Liao4. Meaning to say that this time you are done for. However, due to the unique pronunciation by Yuyan, it sounds like someone's Chee Bye has died.
Chill Out- The act of hanging out. Usually takes place at C.O.P(see C.O.P), some corner or eating place. Activities include chatting, laughing and kao pehing.
Coffee Bean- Used for reference to Chio Bu so as nt to sound so obvious when they are within ear shot. Can also be a good place to chill out(see Chill Out).
C.O.P- Stands for Chill Out Place. Refers to the student lounge in PJC. The lounge was unofficially used by 05A06 before it even officially opened(pictures can be viewed from blog archives). It has becomed the official C.O.P of the class.
D.U.A.L.S- Stands for Damm Ugly Ah Lian Style. Used when referring to Ah Lians who look like shit.
E.C- Stands for Eye Candy. Used when referring to hunks and babes which appeal to you. Examples are Shuai ge and Coffee Bean(see Coffee Bean). In reality, it can stand for Executive Condominium.
Eye Sore(opposite of E.C)- Refers to ppl whom u dun like to see. Examples are D.U.A.L.S, F.C, F.C.B, F.F, I.T.E. & more.
Emo- Means to get emotional.
F.C- Stands for Fat Couple. Used to refer to a certain couple in PJC. In reality, it can stand for Football Club.
F.C.B- Stands for Fucking Chee Bye. Used to refer to a certain person/persons.
F.F- Stands for Fuck Face. Used to refer to a certain individual.
French + Spanish + Italian + Romanian = Foreign Language- Used to refer to things that are being said by a person but not understood due to the distortion of sound waves. Commonly used on Ho Shing.
G.G- Stands for Good Game. Used after a game or used to refer to show that you have screwed something up badly.
G.L.H.F- Stands for Good Luck, Have Fun. Used before the start of a game.
Guavalehva(pronounced as Gua-va-leh-va)- Same as Guava except for the unique pronunciation by Shaoqi.
I.T.E- Refers to a certain group of ppl in PJC as they really look like they r from that school(Institute of Technical Education).
Kan Ni Neh- Same as Kan Ni Na except for the unique pronunciation by Kenneth.
Ladat- Same as Liddat or Like That except for the unique pronunciation by Joanne.
Lampado- The unique dish created at Seoul Garden by the class guys(pics can be found in blog archives).
L.C.B- Stands for Lao Chee Bye. Refers to a certain teacher.
Lian3 Bang1- Refers to a certain teacher who looks as though he is from KL.
L.J- Stands for Lan3 Jiao4. Can also be used as L.J.B(Lan3 Jiao2 Bin3). Also used to refer to Long John(short for Long John Silvers).
M.O.P- Stands for Man Of Pride. Refers to Xueli.
Mr Potato- Refers to a certain teacher.
O.C.C- Refers to Ong Chin Chin. Can also be termed as O.C square or O.C.B.
S.H.A.G- An acapella group which is from which the initials of Shaoqi, Hoshing, Alex & Glen(performances can be view in the blog archives).
Shen3 Dian4 Xia2- Refers to a certain teacher.
Sheng Sheong- A place a person is referred to when one sees the need for that person to GET A LIFE. Hence, it is a place that sells life(packages can be view from blog archives). An alternative is to drink Voda Voda(picture found in blog archives) as it is Water For Life.
S.L.S(new)- Stands for Siao Lian Style. It is also the abbrivations for Sim Lim Square.
S.M.L- Stands for Si Mi Lan. Originates from S.M.L Cafe, which is 1 storey above Teck Whye Mcdonalds.
Tau3 Pok4- The act of piling bodies vertically on top of each other with the purpose of squashing the bottom-most person. Usually done to celebrate a person's birthday or done for no particular reason at all.
T.C.C- Stands for Ta4 Chek4 Club. Refers to a club which is for studying. Founded by Alex in 2005. Can also stand for The Coffee Connoisseur which is a coffee place.
Tweety Bird's Auntie- Refers to a certain teacher.
U.A.L.S- Stands for Ugly Ah Lian Style. Refers to Ah Lians who are nt as bad as D.U.A.L.S(see D.U.A.L.S), but still look like shit.
Varlid- Same as Valid except for the unique pronunciation by Jieying.
WAHAHAHAHA- The sound of loud laughter which pierces the silence in class. Usually contributed by Kaixin & Yoke May.
W.T.F- Stands for What The Fuck. Can also stand for World Taekwondo Federation.
X=X2-X1- The ultimate formula for writing GP essays.
X.L- Stands for Xia4 Lan3. Can also stand for Xue Li.
Xue2 Ni3, Ni3 Tan4 Nuai4 Mian4 You3 Niang3 Ni4 Niu2 Nian2- A sentence constructed by Kaixin who always pronounces her L's as N's(also Kan4 as Tan4) and it is trying to inform Xue Li that there are 2 durians outside.
Zhng- It means Modify. Term is used on cars. Example, Zhng My Car(modify my car).
Zou3 Neh1- Same as Zou3 Leh1 which means to ask a person to come along. The distortion of the term is due to the unique pronunciation by Glen. It is also sometimes heard as JOANNE if said fast enough.
Contributed by: ABS who seriously needs to go Sheng Sheong.
A.A.S- Stands for Assholic Arts Students. Referred to by the "lovable" head of 6th student council. In reality, it can stand for Archery Association of Singapore or Automobile Association of Singapore.
A.B.C- Stands for Ah Beng Car. Refers to a car which is heavily modified, Zhnged(see Zhng), loud with techno blasting inside and fierce-looking. The car preference for A.B.S(see A.B.S). Those cars are usually Japanese make. Including brands such as Mazda, Honda, Toyota & Nissan. Popular car models are Honda Civic, Honda Integra, Nissian Skyline, Mazda RX-7, Mazda RX-8 & Mitsubishi Evolution. In reality, it can stand for American-Born Chinese.
A.B.S- Stands for Ah Beng Style. Used for reference to Ah Bengs or guys whu have such a style. In reality, it stands for Anti-lock Braking System.
A.L.S- Stands for Ah Lian Style. Used for reference to Ah Lians or girls with such a style.
B.L.K- Stands for Bo La Gang. The most famous and commonly used term in 05A06. Its creation originates from Hu Gang. It means to have no link or to say something which is totally unrelated to the current topic of discussion.
Breakfast Club- The club consist of 8 ppl. Jieying(leader), Kaixin, Nicole, Joanne, Yoke May, Chan Bao Chu(Yuyan), Min Chee(Minci) & Jacquelina(Jacqueline). AGMs are held every GP lesson(Feel free to join).
Chee Bye Xi4 Liao4- Same as Ji4 Bai4 Xi4 Liao4. Meaning to say that this time you are done for. However, due to the unique pronunciation by Yuyan, it sounds like someone's Chee Bye has died.
Chill Out- The act of hanging out. Usually takes place at C.O.P(see C.O.P), some corner or eating place. Activities include chatting, laughing and kao pehing.
Coffee Bean- Used for reference to Chio Bu so as nt to sound so obvious when they are within ear shot. Can also be a good place to chill out(see Chill Out).
C.O.P- Stands for Chill Out Place. Refers to the student lounge in PJC. The lounge was unofficially used by 05A06 before it even officially opened(pictures can be viewed from blog archives). It has becomed the official C.O.P of the class.
D.U.A.L.S- Stands for Damm Ugly Ah Lian Style. Used when referring to Ah Lians who look like shit.
E.C- Stands for Eye Candy. Used when referring to hunks and babes which appeal to you. Examples are Shuai ge and Coffee Bean(see Coffee Bean). In reality, it can stand for Executive Condominium.
Eye Sore(opposite of E.C)- Refers to ppl whom u dun like to see. Examples are D.U.A.L.S, F.C, F.C.B, F.F, I.T.E. & more.
Emo- Means to get emotional.
F.C- Stands for Fat Couple. Used to refer to a certain couple in PJC. In reality, it can stand for Football Club.
F.C.B- Stands for Fucking Chee Bye. Used to refer to a certain person/persons.
F.F- Stands for Fuck Face. Used to refer to a certain individual.
French + Spanish + Italian + Romanian = Foreign Language- Used to refer to things that are being said by a person but not understood due to the distortion of sound waves. Commonly used on Ho Shing.
G.G- Stands for Good Game. Used after a game or used to refer to show that you have screwed something up badly.
G.L.H.F- Stands for Good Luck, Have Fun. Used before the start of a game.
Guavalehva(pronounced as Gua-va-leh-va)- Same as Guava except for the unique pronunciation by Shaoqi.
I.T.E- Refers to a certain group of ppl in PJC as they really look like they r from that school(Institute of Technical Education).
Kan Ni Neh- Same as Kan Ni Na except for the unique pronunciation by Kenneth.
Ladat- Same as Liddat or Like That except for the unique pronunciation by Joanne.
Lampado- The unique dish created at Seoul Garden by the class guys(pics can be found in blog archives).
L.C.B- Stands for Lao Chee Bye. Refers to a certain teacher.
Lian3 Bang1- Refers to a certain teacher who looks as though he is from KL.
L.J- Stands for Lan3 Jiao4. Can also be used as L.J.B(Lan3 Jiao2 Bin3). Also used to refer to Long John(short for Long John Silvers).
M.O.P- Stands for Man Of Pride. Refers to Xueli.
Mr Potato- Refers to a certain teacher.
O.C.C- Refers to Ong Chin Chin. Can also be termed as O.C square or O.C.B.
S.H.A.G- An acapella group which is from which the initials of Shaoqi, Hoshing, Alex & Glen(performances can be view in the blog archives).
Shen3 Dian4 Xia2- Refers to a certain teacher.
Sheng Sheong- A place a person is referred to when one sees the need for that person to GET A LIFE. Hence, it is a place that sells life(packages can be view from blog archives). An alternative is to drink Voda Voda(picture found in blog archives) as it is Water For Life.
S.L.S(new)- Stands for Siao Lian Style. It is also the abbrivations for Sim Lim Square.
S.M.L- Stands for Si Mi Lan. Originates from S.M.L Cafe, which is 1 storey above Teck Whye Mcdonalds.
Tau3 Pok4- The act of piling bodies vertically on top of each other with the purpose of squashing the bottom-most person. Usually done to celebrate a person's birthday or done for no particular reason at all.
T.C.C- Stands for Ta4 Chek4 Club. Refers to a club which is for studying. Founded by Alex in 2005. Can also stand for The Coffee Connoisseur which is a coffee place.
Tweety Bird's Auntie- Refers to a certain teacher.
U.A.L.S- Stands for Ugly Ah Lian Style. Refers to Ah Lians who are nt as bad as D.U.A.L.S(see D.U.A.L.S), but still look like shit.
Varlid- Same as Valid except for the unique pronunciation by Jieying.
WAHAHAHAHA- The sound of loud laughter which pierces the silence in class. Usually contributed by Kaixin & Yoke May.
W.T.F- Stands for What The Fuck. Can also stand for World Taekwondo Federation.
X=X2-X1- The ultimate formula for writing GP essays.
X.L- Stands for Xia4 Lan3. Can also stand for Xue Li.
Xue2 Ni3, Ni3 Tan4 Nuai4 Mian4 You3 Niang3 Ni4 Niu2 Nian2- A sentence constructed by Kaixin who always pronounces her L's as N's(also Kan4 as Tan4) and it is trying to inform Xue Li that there are 2 durians outside.
Zhng- It means Modify. Term is used on cars. Example, Zhng My Car(modify my car).
Zou3 Neh1- Same as Zou3 Leh1 which means to ask a person to come along. The distortion of the term is due to the unique pronunciation by Glen. It is also sometimes heard as JOANNE if said fast enough.
Contributed by: ABS who seriously needs to go Sheng Sheong.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
She is the first gal tat i refer to as God-Sent
liu yi fei
this is the liu yi fei i was talking abt... damm chio and damm cute la... english name is crystal.. lol...
ultimate als sia...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
im bored!
waha! glen take a look at this man.look at the car pics
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
last paper tml!

luckily didn't come out for math paper or i would have done the same. (or did it?)
i came across this in TYS.
anyone know how to prove:
(1 over n) X sin(x) = 6?
i came across this in TYS.
anyone know how to prove:
(1 over n) X sin(x) = 6?
Monday, September 18, 2006
tink everyone is feeling damn stressed, WTF, i cant type this post in peace, this is taking me damn long to type so u guys better appreciate this post!!!!mycom dun like me,keep giving me shit. screw it,study hard, all the best.
-cxl(and the fucjed up com)
tink everyone is feeling damn stressed, WTF, i cant type this post in peace, this is taking me damn long to type so u guys better appreciate this post!!!!mycom dun like me,keep giving me shit. screw it,study hard, all the best.
-cxl(and the fucjed up com)
You've Got Mail.
A man was mowing his lawn when he heard his neighbor, who happened to be a blonde, come out of her house. She opened her mailbox, looked inside and slammed it shut. She stomped her foot and went back inside. The man thought ''how weird.''
A few minutes passed and sure enough, the blonde came out of her house again, checked her mail box, stamped her foot and went back inside. The man stopped mowing and checked her mailbox to see what was so wrong with it. After seeing nothing, he went back to mowing just shrugging his shoulders.
As soon as he heard her coming out again, he shut off his mowing machine and went up to her. ''What in the world are you doing, coming out here every five minutes?''
The blonde looked up at the man and said, ''Well, you see, there's this little voice in my house that keeps on saying, 'You've got mail,' but when I come out here to check, I don't have any.''
A few minutes passed and sure enough, the blonde came out of her house again, checked her mail box, stamped her foot and went back inside. The man stopped mowing and checked her mailbox to see what was so wrong with it. After seeing nothing, he went back to mowing just shrugging his shoulders.
As soon as he heard her coming out again, he shut off his mowing machine and went up to her. ''What in the world are you doing, coming out here every five minutes?''
The blonde looked up at the man and said, ''Well, you see, there's this little voice in my house that keeps on saying, 'You've got mail,' but when I come out here to check, I don't have any.''
Sunday, September 17, 2006
guess what i found out.
in the attempt to change colours for our tagboard, i entered
so, while logging in and everything, i realised i forgot the username and password i once used.
and, i randomly typed 05A06 (username) and ******(password, they're actual numbers, but it's stupid if i put it here right...)
and i successfully entered the account, in dismay.... cause i found.

How much of a coincidence is this? They are a bunch of people from JJC. and, i actually.... actually managed to sign into their account. it is a stupid password, only i thought i would use.
oh man....
(p.s.: Disclaimer: i thought this was interesting, but if apparently... you think it's DUMB, then so be it. )
in the attempt to change colours for our tagboard, i entered
so, while logging in and everything, i realised i forgot the username and password i once used.
and, i randomly typed 05A06 (username) and ******(password, they're actual numbers, but it's stupid if i put it here right...)
and i successfully entered the account, in dismay.... cause i found.

How much of a coincidence is this? They are a bunch of people from JJC. and, i actually.... actually managed to sign into their account. it is a stupid password, only i thought i would use.
oh man....
(p.s.: Disclaimer: i thought this was interesting, but if apparently... you think it's DUMB, then so be it. )
Saturday, September 16, 2006
A couple was golfing one day on a very, very exclusive golf course, lined with million dollar houses. On the third tee the husband said, "Honey, be very careful when you drive the ball don't knock out any windows. It'll cost us a fortune to fix."
The wife teed up and shanked it right through the window of the biggest house on the course. The husband cringed and said, "I told you to watch out for the houses. Alright, let's go up there, apologize and see how much this is going to cost."
They walked up, knocked on the door, and heard a voice say, "Come on in." They opened the door and saw glass all over the floor and a broken bottle lying on its side in the foyer. A man on the couch said, "Are you the people that broke my window?"
"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that," the husband replied.
"No, actually I want to thank you. I'm a genie that was trapped for a thousand years in that bottle. You've released me. I'm allowed to grant three wishes -- I'll give you each one wish, and I'll keep the last one for myself."
"OK, great!" the husband said. "I want a million dollars a year for the rest of my life." "No problem-it's the least I could do. And you, what do you want?" the genie said, looking at the wife. "I want a house in every country of the world," she said.
"Consider it done," the genie replied.
"You know what, genie, maybe we can repay you by making one of YOUR wishes come true... what's your wish, genie?" the husband said.
"Well, since I've been trapped in that bottle, I haven't had sex with a woman in a thousand years. My wish is to sleep with your wife."
The husband looks at the wife and said, "Well, we did get a lot of money and all those houses, honey. I guess I don't care." The genie took the wife upstairs and ravished her for two hours.
After it was over, the genie rolled over, looked at the wife, and said, "How old is your husband, anyway?"
"35," she replied.
"And he still believes in genies? That's amazing!"
who posted the previous one by the way?
The wife teed up and shanked it right through the window of the biggest house on the course. The husband cringed and said, "I told you to watch out for the houses. Alright, let's go up there, apologize and see how much this is going to cost."
They walked up, knocked on the door, and heard a voice say, "Come on in." They opened the door and saw glass all over the floor and a broken bottle lying on its side in the foyer. A man on the couch said, "Are you the people that broke my window?"
"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that," the husband replied.
"No, actually I want to thank you. I'm a genie that was trapped for a thousand years in that bottle. You've released me. I'm allowed to grant three wishes -- I'll give you each one wish, and I'll keep the last one for myself."
"OK, great!" the husband said. "I want a million dollars a year for the rest of my life." "No problem-it's the least I could do. And you, what do you want?" the genie said, looking at the wife. "I want a house in every country of the world," she said.
"Consider it done," the genie replied.
"You know what, genie, maybe we can repay you by making one of YOUR wishes come true... what's your wish, genie?" the husband said.
"Well, since I've been trapped in that bottle, I haven't had sex with a woman in a thousand years. My wish is to sleep with your wife."
The husband looks at the wife and said, "Well, we did get a lot of money and all those houses, honey. I guess I don't care." The genie took the wife upstairs and ravished her for two hours.
After it was over, the genie rolled over, looked at the wife, and said, "How old is your husband, anyway?"
"35," she replied.
"And he still believes in genies? That's amazing!"
who posted the previous one by the way?
Friday, September 15, 2006
ladat oso can.
here's mine:
which race does Jesus touch the most?
here's mine:
which race does Jesus touch the most?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Ah Beng & Gonorrhea
Ah Beng & Ah Seng decides to enter a NCO pub.
"Ah Beng, you sure we can enter anot?"
"Ah Seng... don't worry! We are Corporals now, not private anymore!"
So, Ah Beng and Ah Seng enters the pub, had a drink or two... and Ah beng decides to head to Geylang to find a prostitute.
However, he was warned by the prostitute as she claims to suffer from Gonorrhea. Ah Beng decides to call Ah Seng, "Ah Seng, what is Gonorrhea, safe or not?"
"Ah Beng... go ahead! no problem!"
One week later, Ah Beng was diagnosed with Gonorrhea. In anger, he called his buddy, "Ah Seng! why you tell me 'no problem'?"
"Ah Beng, don't worry... Gonnorhea affects the privates only... We are Corporals, not private anymore!"
"Ah Beng, you sure we can enter anot?"
"Ah Seng... don't worry! We are Corporals now, not private anymore!"
So, Ah Beng and Ah Seng enters the pub, had a drink or two... and Ah beng decides to head to Geylang to find a prostitute.
However, he was warned by the prostitute as she claims to suffer from Gonorrhea. Ah Beng decides to call Ah Seng, "Ah Seng, what is Gonorrhea, safe or not?"
"Ah Beng... go ahead! no problem!"
One week later, Ah Beng was diagnosed with Gonorrhea. In anger, he called his buddy, "Ah Seng! why you tell me 'no problem'?"
"Ah Beng, don't worry... Gonnorhea affects the privates only... We are Corporals, not private anymore!"
Thursday, September 07, 2006
To someone I never knew him in person...
his departure on 4september 2006 shocked the world that many thought it was a prank. to an aussie mate who shouts CROC RULES. a fatherly man and world conservationist who was obssessed with CRIKEYS. his contributions towards the animals and environment will not be forgotten. a precious son that Australia had lost. i can't explain this mixed feelings. he's the only world icon that i feel so much for over his death. may your family be blessed, mate
sq... *no flaming please.
his departure on 4september 2006 shocked the world that many thought it was a prank. to an aussie mate who shouts CROC RULES. a fatherly man and world conservationist who was obssessed with CRIKEYS. his contributions towards the animals and environment will not be forgotten. a precious son that Australia had lost. i can't explain this mixed feelings. he's the only world icon that i feel so much for over his death. may your family be blessed, mate
sq... *no flaming please.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The 12 inch pianist
A man walks into a bar with a paper bag. He sits down and places thebag on the counter.The bartender walks up and asks what's in the bag.The man reaches into the bag and pulls out a little man, about one foothigh, and sets him on the counter. He reaches back into the bag andpulls out a small piano, setting it on the counter as well. He reachesinto the bag once again and pulls out a tiny piano bench, which heplaces in front of the piano.The little man sits down at the piano and starts playing a beautifulpiece by Mozart!Where on earth did you get that?" says the bartender. The man respondsby reaching into the paper bag. This time he pulls out a lamp. He handsit to the bartender and says..."Here. Rub it."So the bartender rubs the lamp, and suddenly there's a gust of smokeand a beautiful genie is standing before him."I will grant you one wish. Just one wish...each person is allowed onlyone!"The bartender gets really excited.Without hesitating he says, "I wantA million bucks!"A few moments later, a duck walks into the bar. It is soon followed byanother duck, then another. Pretty soon, the entire bar is filled withducks and they keep coming!The bartender turns to the man and says, "Y'know, I think your genie'sA little deaf...I asked for a million bucks, not a million ducks.""Tell me about it!!" says the man... "Do you really think I asked for a12 inch pianist?"
nw go study!!!
nw go study!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
YES!!! the long awaited holidays are here. yikes, this means.... 1 more week to prelims!
just a small reminder to everyone to study REEEAALLLL hard for the prelims.bye bye lousy grades! plus, don't forget the Maths Mock Exam on 7th September, 8am. and there's Econs (case-study) Remedial after that for those under Mdm Loh. AIDS.
sighs... 60 days to start of A's. 76 to the end. 88 days to Graduation Night. Then you guys can end your lives in NS, maybe build more muscles, lose some weight... Hopefully slack, or if you're fantastic go to OCS. And we'd see all of you BOTAK. (a major catastrophe to many, esp. Glen & Shao Qi)
And the girls will laugh at your plight. Then we'd probably go and work, be some slaves to some profit-oriented company (gian peng gian sai, i call them). Shop our asses off. And enter Uni 2 years before you guys! YEAH MAN.... and you guys can slowly slog your guts out for THE NATION.....
haha. anyway, some events planned out for the next few months. let's see of they ever do work out. (remember our... Vienna buffet?)
#1. After Prelims BBQ. Preferably on 21st Sep, Thursday. Glen says Friday is strictly-no-meat-day. like he ever follows it...
#2. After-Farewell-Birthday-Celebration. self-explanatory. birthday celebration for October babies. HuGang, ShaoQi, HoShing, Nicole. (after farewell assembly. duh~)
#3. After A's it's all play, and no work. But, remember!! the poor November kids whose birthday falls during the As. Adrian & YuYan, MinCi. so yeah, keep a day aside for those poor souls, yeah?
wait a minute. REALITY CHECK - prelims. okay, last reminder... please MUG your heads off, maybe hands, and legs, and some organs... haha. ( defines mug as a drinking cup, usually cylindrical in shape, having a handle, and often of a heavy substance, as earthenware.) and learn how to relax, drink water, eat well... and get plenty of rest. =D
if you ever feel like taking a break, you know who to call. the person who loves talking the most - ME. (and if u do try calling, and i always miss ur calls... hehs.) i'm kidding, don't call me! i need to study! LOL.
Peace Out.
(p.s. Glen, carpe diem is the Latin word for "seize the day, enjoy the moment". now, does anyone know what does "pon de replay" mean?)
just a small reminder to everyone to study REEEAALLLL hard for the prelims.
sighs... 60 days to start of A's. 76 to the end. 88 days to Graduation Night. Then you guys can end your lives in NS, maybe build more muscles, lose some weight... Hopefully slack, or if you're fantastic go to OCS. And we'd see all of you BOTAK. (a major catastrophe to many, esp. Glen & Shao Qi)
And the girls will laugh at your plight. Then we'd probably go and work, be some slaves to some profit-oriented company (gian peng gian sai, i call them). Shop our asses off. And enter Uni 2 years before you guys! YEAH MAN.... and you guys can slowly slog your guts out for THE NATION.....
haha. anyway, some events planned out for the next few months. let's see of they ever do work out. (remember our... Vienna buffet?)
#1. After Prelims BBQ. Preferably on 21st Sep, Thursday. Glen says Friday is strictly-no-meat-day. like he ever follows it...
#2. After-Farewell-Birthday-Celebration. self-explanatory. birthday celebration for October babies. HuGang, ShaoQi, HoShing, Nicole. (after farewell assembly. duh~)
#3. After A's it's all play, and no work. But, remember!! the poor November kids whose birthday falls during the As. Adrian & YuYan, MinCi. so yeah, keep a day aside for those poor souls, yeah?
wait a minute. REALITY CHECK - prelims. okay, last reminder... please MUG your heads off, maybe hands, and legs, and some organs... haha. ( defines mug as a drinking cup, usually cylindrical in shape, having a handle, and often of a heavy substance, as earthenware.) and learn how to relax, drink water, eat well... and get plenty of rest. =D
if you ever feel like taking a break, you know who to call. the person who loves talking the most - ME. (and if u do try calling, and i always miss ur calls... hehs.) i'm kidding, don't call me! i need to study! LOL.
Peace Out.
(p.s. Glen, carpe diem is the Latin word for "seize the day, enjoy the moment". now, does anyone know what does "pon de replay" mean?)