Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sunday, October 19, 2008
18th October 2008.
Photos from our gathering @ Alley Bar... Feast your eyes!
And... HAHAHA.
Xueli, forced into taking this picture.
BFF - I will always remember you. :)
Funny how good this photo turned out. Candid. And the wonders of Canon.
Kaixin and JY.
Kaixin and YY. Jo and JY.
JY and Jacq. I wonder why I'm tagging all these names. It's not as if you don't remember our faces anymore. HAHA - maybe you don't.
Half of the guys. Missing: Shaoqi, Jingxiang, Adrian, Glen, Alex. (Did I leave anyone out?) The girls.
Happy Birthday Hoshing & HuGang!!!!
And last, but not least, a final shot of all of us.
Thanks guys, for the wonderful night. Reminsicing the precious memories we once had of school. And making me realise that JC life would never have been the same without all of us. I hope you share my same sentiments too. And those who were not there, don't worry, you're always remembered in our hearts. :)
Next meeting - December 12th, Kenneth's Birthday. Be there, or be square!
From your ever lovely, kjy. HAHAHAHA. (It's 3am - please appreciate the beauty sleep I've given up for this post.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Let's welcome the year of the RAT!! Kindly confirm attandance before event and venue will be confirmed. Tentative date should be 15th or 16th January.
Gong Xi Fa Cai! HAHA. - kjy.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
BBQ ON FRIDAY!(dammit its the 22nd)
2pm we meet at lot1 to go buy stuff, after that we go kenneth's hse to prepare food, chill, talk cock, check posting, chill, chill, chill, chill.....those who can come down to help prepare food plz do so, we relli need all the help we can get.
5pm we'll start bbq.
plz confirm who can come down early to help n who's coming for the bbq, n if possible sponsors for wadever thing u all wan. thnx
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Class BBQ - 29th June
Confirmed: -
1. Kenneth
2. Xue Li
3. Ho Shing
4. Hu Gang
5. Alex - he'd try to come, despite the mid-years
6. Jie Ying
7. Kai Xin
8. Nicole
9. Yu Yan
10. Joanne
11. Jasmine
List still pending. Hope to see you guys soon. CHEERS`